Explore by Location for Communication Site

Determine if your area of interest (AOI) is available for your purpose by researching what is currently happening on the land. You can customize the map view by selecting the appropriate Category of Interest from the dropdown menu in Step 1. If you arrived at this map from an activity page, Step 1 will be pre-selected for you. The information most relevant to your selection will then be displayed on the map. You may further customize the map view by using the Map Layers icon located in the top right corner of the map.

A report based on pre-selected layers can be generated for each of the Categories of Interest however these reports are not customizable – changes made in the map view will not affect the report. A summary report can be generated that will identify overlaps but will not provide details of those overlaps. A detailed report can be generated that will elaborate on the overlaps contained in the summary report. Both the Summary and Detailed reports will only report on the primary AOI, which is identified by a red outline.

Follow the steps on the left to begin exploring by location. View the map help page for instructions on how to use the map functions. QUICK TIP: In order to get accurate reporting results, only use the Rectangle, Polygon or Circle tools to create your shape. The Line tool will not provide a proper report as there is no ‘area’ associated with it.


Step 1 : Category of Interest
Your Category of Interest Is:
Crown Lands
Step 2 : Find Your Location

Skip this step if importing geometry in step 3.

Zoom into your location using the search below, or by using the zoom and pan features on the left side of the map.

Step 3 : Define your Area of Interest

Use the rectangle , polygon or circle tools to draw a boundary around your area of interest to a maximum of 10,000 hectares (100km2) OR import a geometry file using the ‘Import AOI’ option on the top of the map.

Note: the line tool will not provide a proper report as it there is no ‘area’ associated with it'

Step 4 : Evaluate your Area of Interest

Generate a summary report that interacts with the map:

Generate Summary Report

Generate a detailed report in the form of a PDF. This report will not interact with the map. The report will take several minutes to generate:

Generate Detailed Report

No Area of Interest (AOI) has been entered. Please enter one now.

Generating Report

Download Report

Summary Report

When you follow Steps 1-4 to create a Summary Report, the table below will list the overlaps most relevant to your Category of Interest. Each Type of Overlap can be expanded by clicking on the arrows in the left column—a description, guidance, and a list of the individual overlaps will appear.

Choose Download Report to save or print the summary report, or generate a more detailed report using the Step 4 options.

A complete listing of all layers under consideration for the Explore reports can be found on the Explore by Location Home page.

Type of Overlap
To populate this table, generate a Summary Report

The Government of British Columbia adheres to a policy of integrated resource use, whereby several activities may occur simultaneously on the same land base (ex: a wide range of recreation activities may occur on the same land tenured for forestry activities). The existence of some of interests and values may impact an application; however, many activities may be compatible with existing interests. If you require more information, contact FrontCounter BC.